Hey I'm Brooke, I love animals and outdoors. I mean who would want to be cooped up inside when you have the world to explore and lots of awesome animals to find! I go to Enrich, a school for gifted and talented students on a Tuesday. This is my last year here because I am a year six. But it's inside sometimes I wonder if there is such thing as an outdoor school? I will update this blog throughout the year. I LOVE ANIMALS AND OUTDOORS!!!!!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Art talent development
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Frill-necked Lizard Up-date

Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Art- Talent Development

Friday, August 19, 2011
Art talent development
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Teacher comment
My First Week Back
Kia Ora,

Monday, July 25, 2011
Teacher comment
Brooke you have a consistently positive attitude towards the challenges you are faced with during your time at Enrich. You have formed some great relationships with both returning and new students. The project you have worked on during the past term will make a real difference for the clothing recipients in Japan. There was a lot of learning involved in pulling a project like that together, you have done a great job!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Update on Passion Project
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Gifted Awareness Week!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Hot Writing
This is my hot writing about my high jump. It is a moment in time writing. We had to write a moment in time that was a period of about one minute long, so I wrote about running up to the bar, jumping and coming first place in the school athletics high jump. If you are having trouble reading the images click them to enlarge them.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Flexible timetable

Kia Ora. Today I have completed my tempera paint and indian ink art. Here is a picture of the finished product. I hope it gets framed and put up on the wall. I also made a mind map about our concept curriculum, Interactions. This is when two or more objects have an effect on one another. My mindmap has branches about home and sport so far . But I have not completed it. Here is a picture of the half finished product. I have also played a rather exciting game of chess. I lost but I learnt that if you don't move your king out of check when you play one of my peers you get taken.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Multiple Intellingences Survey

These are my multiple intelligences results to get these you have to answer 40 statements and to answer you have the options: 'This is not like me at all' 'I am very rarely like this' 'This is a bit like me' ' This is sometimes like me' 'I am like this more often then not' 'I am always like this' and then the computer puts all of your answers together and decides whether you are more'Visual/Spatial Picture Smart' 'Musical Music Smart' ' Intrapersonal Myself Smart' 'Interpersonal People Smart' 'Logical Number Smart' 'Linguistic Word Smart' 'Kinaesthetic Body Smart' or 'Naturalistic Nature Smart' as you can see I am more Nature Smart and Body Smart then anything else.
Indian ink and Tempera paints art

Two weeks ago I was involved in some Indian ink and Tempera paint art at Enrich. We were asked to draw a cat and make it come to life on the page. My cat was jumping through the air over some grass in the original photo but I decided to add a bit of my own art to it, so I made the cat look like it was flying through the air over mountains, gullies and hills. In the night with a curly fantasy tree on one side and a normal real world tree on the other, with two cartoon owls one flying into the real world alongside the cat and the other resting in the twisted cartoon tree. I haven't done the Tempera paints but I plan to do so today using bright colours on the cartoon side blending into electric green and dull browns in the real world with bright and dull colouring on the cat, and bright red white and browns for the owls.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I'm back at Enrich for another year and I'm excited about it what with the excelerating speed and fun of last year. We of course have some new faces, many in fact and some of the old too. I hope you will join me again for my last year at Enrich. Here is what I thought after our field trip about our inquiry interactions. Remember double click to make images bigger.