Brooke you have worked incredibly hard on your art and have turned your hand to some great sculptures in mixed media, clay and stone and you have shown a real flair for this type of art and it has been great to see the passion and dedication that you have put into your talent development. Your stone sculpture of a crocodile is something to be really proud of, well done and all the best for next year.
Hey I'm Brooke, I love animals and outdoors. I mean who would want to be cooped up inside when you have the world to explore and lots of awesome animals to find! I go to Enrich, a school for gifted and talented students on a Tuesday. This is my last year here because I am a year six. But it's inside sometimes I wonder if there is such thing as an outdoor school? I will update this blog throughout the year. I LOVE ANIMALS AND OUTDOORS!!!!!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
This term I have been doing Omaru stone-carving as well as my lizard. In stone-carving we got a block of stone and had to draw a picture of the carvng in top and side perspectives I am making a baby crocodile. Next we had to use a saw to make the first cuts which were the peices around the drawing's that could easily be cut with a saw. Then we had to slice down to the length of the side picture on top. After that Darryn drilled holes in the bits that could not be cut off with the saw then I had to chizel out the bits of the holes till it was even with the rest of the crocodile. Currently, I have been chizeling out the sides I have lmost finished the tail. Here is a some pics of my crocodile so far:

Frill-necked Lizard Up-date

This past few weeks I have been working on my frill-necked lizard. I have curently made the wire frame, the frill, an air-dry clay head, clay body, newspaper paper mache, handy towel paper mache. At the moment I am waiting for Darryn to retun so I can start on air-dry clay feet. We have 3 weeks left so I better start getting a move on. Here are some pics of my partly finished sculpture:

Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Art- Talent Development
The last couple of weeks in art we have been looking at making multi-media sculptures. Our art multi-media sculptures are made from a wire skeleton then coated in newspaper, paper tape, paper mache, tinfoil and clay this is then covered in material which is sewed up to give it the appearance of skin. I am making a frilled necked lizard and to make the frill you need to put down some tissue paper and lay down a metal frame of what you are doing (a frill) on the tissue paper then coat the frame and tissue paper in glue and put another layer of tissue paper on top and blow dry it all until it turns hard. Below is a photo of my frill-necked lizard so far. I will keep you updated with my progress on my multi-media art. I have also made a clay sculpture of a gecko foot. Below there is a image of my clay art. 

Friday, August 19, 2011
Art talent development
Brooke I was impresed by how much you remembered about working with clay from last year and the amount of detail that you put into your sculpture. It will be interesting to see how it looks when it is glazed and fired as it is quite an original piece of art - well done!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Teacher comment
Great to have you choose art talent development Brooke, you certainly launched yourself into it today. I will be very interested to see what art works you create based on the theme we have chosen and how the various mediums suit what you are trying to create.
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