The second week we tested household products that you would find in the kitchen to see if they were a base, a neutral or an acid. We each had a small cup of purple cabbage water. When we had chosen a product each we put some into our cabbage water. If it was a base the water would turn blue. If it was a neutral the water woud stay the same and if it was an acid the water would turn pink. I had a lemon. It was very acidy and the water turned a pink colour instantly. Quite a few products didn't make the water turn any colour like the coffee it made the water turn brown. After everyone had tested their product we were given a piece of litmus paper. Thepaper also turned red if acidic, blue if it was a base and green if it was a neutral. My lemon wasthree colours away from being one of the most acidic things in the world. This was the highest rank in colour that all the products got up to. Three other products were as acidic as a lemon- lime was amongst them.
Here is a picture of the purple cabbage water, acidic purple cabbage water, netural purple cabbage water, and base purple cabbage water, the litmus beginning to turn red in the presence of a lemon and the many colours that litmus paper can turn.